Friday, October 15, 2010

Mom & Jackson's Day Out

Mom took the day off work, and spent the day with Jackson. We went to see "Keffin's Fire Trucks" at the South Salt Lake Fire Department. For lunch we got to go to Pizza Hut and each get a personal pizza. That was fun for Jackson to have his own little pizza. In the afternoon, we went to a craft class at Robert's Arts & Crafts. We stopped in at Mom's work for a minute, and Jackson got to use Mom's desk phone to call Dad. They chatted for a few minutes. Jackson loved to watch the printer, and the copier, and to use the phone. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a visit. By that time, Dad was off work, and he met us there. Dad, Mom, and Jackson got to go out to eat at Olive Garden. Jackson had a really fun, but really long day and fell asleep on the way home.