Saturday, March 27, 2010

Visit to Mesquite - Day 2

We headed up "in the hills" outside of Mesquite on our second day. We rode 4-wheelers, and Uncle Christopher even brought his dune buggie. Jackson was anxious for Uncle Christopher to take him for a ride.

Our Visit to Mesquite - Day 1

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Treat Time

Sundays are excellent for whipping up a batch of brownies or cookies. Jackson sure does like to help add the ingredients and sample as we go along.

Wilson's First Snowman

This is the first snowman we have created together...EVER! We didn't really have a yard to make one (the appartment first, then our new house with no landscaping). Now that we have grass, the snowstorm yesterday made for a perfect snowman making today.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jackson and the Tent

Jackson loves this tent at Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's house. He loved when cousin Tyler came to play and built him a fort. They played together in the tent and had a grand ol' time.